"I don't count my sit-ups. I only start counting when it starts hurting. That is when I start counting, because then it really counts. That's what makes you a champion."
- Muhammad Ali
- Muhammad Ali
Walk extra mile or taking extra step, means take an additional effort in your endeavor when the measure of complete effort is achieved. Always do one more step extra when you finished counting.
As per Napoleon Hill, every other animal than mankind had to do a lot of extra additional efforts to survive and we think its correct.
Look at ants lift the extra of their body weight, extra than it supposed to and they do it for survival everyday.
All living things except man has to do extraordinary stuff to survive.
Mankind can survive doing regular or ordinary stuff.
But to achieve the greater success, enjoy the luxuries that only man could have.
To achieve the great feat of achievement, respect, and success beyond luxuries; there are certain patterns, observed practices in successful people. One of that is to always walk that extra mile.
Why it is important to walk that extra mile to achieve success?
- It is. It's natural.
- It helps to build positive attitude, which yields positive personal trait.
- If you always put that extra effort, you make sure no stone un-turned and probability of opportunities in your way increases.
- It gives individual the right to ask for more, what he deserves.
- It is less crowded when you walk that extra mile, everybody doesn't.
- You feel complete and satisfied with your additional efforts, you don't have regrets of missing that success without trying extra. Which is most important.
Henry Ford and his Extraordinary efforts:
With his continuous efforts of years came up with new car models, which were cheaper and durable than existing cars in automobile industry. He put America on wheels with his famous model T.
But it almost impossible to sell his cars or run his business back then.
Legal battle:
Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers, the group of auto manufacturers which hold the authority & patent over the business did not allow to sell Ford cars.
He was rejected for license multiple times. He was attacked in newspapers and a lawsuit, to force him quit.
But Ford worked out every possible thing he could do to run his business and fought a battle in court and won with his persistence leading to revolution in auto industry.
Racing his Car:
With the publicity he got made him possible to raise funds and start car production.
image courtesy: mmshof.org
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